Support vulnerable communities in Nicaragua during the coronavirus outbreak
ANF is actively working to support our partner organizations through the COVID-19 crisis in Nicaragua, but we cannot do it alone. We need your help so that through our collective actions, we can provide vital emergency aid such as food, medicine, and hygiene supplies to help at-risk children and adults or any other cause considered a priority as a response to the humanitarian crisis related to the coronavirus pandemic in the country.
We know that in these uncertain and stressful times, things are tough for everyone, but we must also remember that COVID-19 will only make it worse for those who are already poor.
We assure you that your gift will go toward protecting those we serve in children feeding centers, medical clinics, elderly homes, nutritional recovery centers, and other vulnerable communities across Nicaragua.

Emergency Aid packages | Feed a Family
The distribution of emergency aid packages to vulnerable families is one of the main activities of the COVID-19 Relief Fund. Our goal is to benefit thousands of at-risk families with a monthly emergency aid package that includes food and hygiene supplies for a period of 3 months.
The contents of the package include red beans, white rice, white corn or corn flour, fortified cereal blend, sugar, vegetable oil, soap, chlorine, and an educational brochure on COVID-19 preventive measures. We distribute these packages through a network of more than 100 local partners and 318 distribution points across Nicaragua.
We also promote education on COVID-19 preventive measures by including brochures in the packages, workshops with distribution partners, and talks to beneficiaries.
$USD 1,223,805

Relief Aid Package Distribution learn more +
100 families from the community of San Andrés de la Palanca in Managua received food and hygiene supplies that will help them feed and safeguard their children during these difficult times.
Proper Hand-Washing learn more +
Washing your hands is an important preventive measure against COVID-19. Our team teaches beneficiaries the proper hand-washing method at our portable stations.
A Joyful Meal learn more +
Wer are greatful to our friends at McDonald’s Nicaragua for the generous donation of Happy Meals to 300 children in 6 orphanages of ANF’s network.
Donations in Warehouse learn more +
Thanks to Price Philanthropies, PriceSmart, Food for the Poor and everyone who has donated to our COVID-19 Relief Fund, ANF will distribute 1,406 packaged that will provide hunger relief to 946 vulnerable families suffering from job and income loss due to COVID-19 in Nicaragua.
Life-saving Information learn more +
In a continued effort to protect at-risk families, our team instruct beneficiaries on COVID-19 preventive measures and provides an educational flyer in each package.
Local Partners learn more +
Our local partners are helping us reach even more families in need. We have distributed in bulk the contents of our emergency aid packages to 13 organizations that will benefit 2,155 families across Nicaragua.
In-kind Hygiene Donations learn more +
In-kind donations have been steadily coming into our warehouses. We have recently received a donation of 1,000 balls of soap and 5,600 liters of chlorine that will go to reinforce preventive measures against COVID-19 in at-risk families.
Life-saving Alcohol Donation learn more +
Thank you to our friends at Flor de Caña for the donation of more than 1,300 liters of 70% alcohol that will go to help reinforce preventive measures against COVID-19 for 128 social service centers in Nicaragua and our team at ANF.
Relief Aid Packages learn more +
ANF has been working tirelessly to distribute over 1,400 relief aid packages to communities across Nicaragua. In the last few days, 331 families in Chinandega and Somoto received food, hygiene and cleaning supplies.
In-kind Sugar Donation learn more +
Thanks to our good friends at Ingenio san Antonio for the donation of 625 sacks of sugar that will go to support more than 10,000 vulnerable families. Through this act of generosity, we are able to continue helping impoverished families meet their basic needs with our emergency aid packages during the COVID-19 crisis in Nicaragua.

+ A Message from ANF’s Executive Director on COVID-19
Dear friends of ANF,
The coronavirus disproportionately affects the most vulnerable: the poor, the elderly, and those without access to adequate healthcare. As an organization whose mission is to alleviate the effects of poverty in Nicaragua, ANF must take concrete steps to prevent the spread of COVID-19. At ANF, one of our main values is solidarity. Now is a critical time to put it into practice. Fighting this virus requires collective action and selflessness. Although in Nicaragua there are only a few confirmed cases of coronavirus at this time, we must take preventive measures and act for the good of others.
In preparing ourselves to work under these challenging circumstances, our immediate priority has been the wellbeing of our staff and their families. For this reason, we implemented a series of CDC-recommended preventive measures, including work-from-home policies, educational sessions on COVID-19 prevention, social distancing, and frequently sanitizing the workplace.
After having taken the necessary precautions internally, we then reviewed the situation in the field where most of our work happens. Each programmatic team (e.g. health, agriculture, community development, education, etc.) has either postponed or redesigned their projects to ensure the safety of staff, partners, and beneficiaries. As of today, the majority of our programs are continuing without significant interruption. However, this is a rapidly changing situation.
That being said, our work cannot be considered a “non-essential business” that must close. The livelihoods of so many impoverished families depend on us, particularly in such times of great need. People are being let go. Businesses are shutting down. Hospitals are getting crowded. We have to respond.
We are actively working with our donors to build temporary facilities to treat coronavirus patients, supply hospitals with medical supplies, provide food and hygiene supplies to at-risk children and adults, and carry out health education campaigns.
We must also remember that the coronavirus will only make things worse for those who are already poor. In the coming days, we will be announcing a relief fund to help those in need during this time of crisis. After all, it’s what Jesus Christ commanded us to do in Matthew 25: feed the hungry, visit the sick, and care for the poor.
As the difficulties arise, so must our endeavor. Our work is too important to stop. We hope we can count on your continued support.
Nicolás Argüello
Executive Director
“For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in, I needed clothes and you clothed me, I was sick and you looked after me.” Matthew 25:35-36
+ What is COVID-19?
Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) is an infectious disease caused by a newly discovered coronavirus.
COVID-19 is a respiratory illness and most infected people will develop mild to moderate symptoms and recover without requiring special treatment. People who have underlying medical conditions and those over 60 years old have a higher risk of developing severe disease and death.
Symptoms can include fever, dry cough and shortness of breath. In more severe cases, infection can cause pneumonia or breathing difficulties. Other symptoms include aches and pains, tiredness, sore throat, diarrhea, nausea or a runny nose.
People with mild symptoms who are otherwise healthy, should self-isolate and contact their medical provider or a COVID-19 information line for advice on testing and referral.
People with fever, cough or difficulty breathing should call their doctor and seek medical attention.
Source: World Health Organization (WHO)
+ How to prevent infection from COVID-19?
WASH YOR HANDS regularly with soap and water or clean them with alcohol-based hand rub.
COVER YOUR MOUTH AND NOSE with flexed elbow or tissue when coughing or sneezing. Dispose of used tissue immediately. Avoid touching your face.
PRACTICE PHYSICAL DISTANCING Avoid close contact (at least 1.5 meters of distance) with anyone who has cold or flu-like symptoms. Stay home if you feel unwell.
SEEK MEDICAL CARE early if you or your child has a fever, cough or difficulty breathing.